Boy Scouts of America promises adventure, learning, challenge, and responsibility. The promise of Scouting is all this and more. We at Troop 525 are committed to delivering you this Scouting promise.
See what our Troop 525 Scouts say about their experience: LINK
Boy Scouts of America promises you the great outdoors. Troop 525 deliveries an average of approximately 45 nights of camping each year, averages 1044 miles of backpacking a year, and averages 325 miles of canoeing a year, all this in our base program. In addition Troop 525 high adventure program has one to two adventure bases treks each year. These Treks are on a 4 year rotation (Philmont, Northern Tier, Sea Base, Summit, Pikes Peak, Buffalo River)
Boy Scouts of America promises you friendship. Troop 525 delivers to Scouts many shared experiences with boys your age. Through these shared experiences, very strong lifetime friendships are formed.
Boy Scouts of America promises you opportunities to work toward your Eagle. Troop 525 in its 20 years of existence has average 3 ½ Eagles per year. Currently over the past 5 years are averaging 5 Eagles Scouts per year.
Boy Scouts of America promises you tools to help you make the most of your, family, your community, and your nation. While Troop 525 is a very active, family members are always welcome to join us in our activities. Approximately 82% of Troop 525 has earned their chosen religious award. Troop 525 averages approximately 802 of community service work per year.
Boy Scouts of America promises you experiences and duties that will help you mature into strong, wise adult. While you are responsible for your own self-development, Troop 525 proven schedule of event will give you the opportunities you can use to develop and strengthen those skills.
This is the great Boy Scout promise and adventure, if you are up to it? Let’s get started! You can star by contact us to set up a troop visit, and Scoutmaster Conference.